Thursday, August 23, 2007

Goal for August

Hello everyone!

I've been blessed over and over again with the kindness coming from Etsy so I've decided that with every gift that gets sent to me... I will match that scarf donation. My way of saying thanks.

||| G O A L |||

for the month of August (even though there is only a small week or so left of it) I'd like to make 2 scarves/items every day. 1 item will be listed on my Etsy store, and the other will be sent to the homeless shelters. That way I keep the $$ amounts flowing so that there is no yarn shortage! yey! but I also get to give out my own creations :).

14 items
14 scarves

I'll update this as I make more things :). Tomorrow, Friday, doesn't count seeing as I made 4 things today ! ^^ yey!

Thanks all for your help and support!

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